Announcing Our Hanging Basket Fundraiser with Paine’s Greenhouse

UPDATE: We’ve extended the sale until Tuesday, May 11, so be sure to get your orders in!

We have partnered with Oliver Paine’s Greenhouse in Granby to offer beautiful 10″ hanging baskets for sale! We will be taking orders until May 5, 2021, and flower pick-up will be available on May 21 from 3-6pm at Oswego Industries’ headquarters at 7 Morrill Place, Fulton.

These gorgeous baskets are only $20 each or 3 for $55, and include the following varieties:

  • Boston Ferns
  • Calliope Geraniums in red, violet, or Pink Flame
  • Fuchsia (also known as bleeding hearts) in Dark Eyes or Swing Time
  • New Guinea Impatiens in pink, red, or violet
  • Superbells in red, pink, or mixed
  • Supertunias in Pink Star, red, blue, plum, or mixed
  • Zebra Plants

For more information about the plants, including care instructions, visit Paine’s Greenhouse.

To order, please complete the Order Form and either mail or email to Rebekkah Frisch at Oswego Industries. If paying by credit card or PayPal, please utilize our online portal and indicate in the comments box how many of each item you would like using the item numbers on the order form.

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